Come See Me
Bexar Necessities
I greatly appreciate 24-hour notice if you need to cancel all or part of your appointment. I want to accommodate you. If you need a time that isn't during normal business hours or if you have an emergency, message me and I will come in early or stay late anytime I can. If you are sick and think you may be contagious, cancel. I'll work you back in as soon as you're feeling better.
My lease with Salon Boutique requires me to say that unattended children are not allowed in the hallways. If they're able to sit quietly in the room, it's ok with me. I've observed, however, that my best work is achieved when my focus isn't distracted but of course I understand that sometimes childcare falls through at the last minute. In that event, I will always try my best to still deliver flawless results.
Secret discount for people who read this far: Any guest who brings a large, sweet, iced tea for me will receive a special discount and my undying gratitude. This special runs year-round.
If my service exceeds your expectations, please tell a friend, or Facebook, or Google, or Yelp, or Twitter or Instagram, etc. I want to be in business for years to come!